
世界の室内環境研究動向 ~雑誌 Indoor Airの論文一覧~

“Indoor Air”は、室内空気質を対象とした国際誌で、室内環境の分野では最も読まれている雑誌です。

December 2015 vol.25 Issue 6 Pages i-ii, 569-707
Page Author English Title 日本語題名
William W Nazaroff Previsualizing a post-combustion world 燃焼の次の世界のプレビジュアライゼーション
Original Articles
M. Gong, C. J. Weschler, L. Liu, H. Shen, L. Huang, J. Sundell and Y. Zhang Phthalate metabolites in urine samples from Beijing children and correlations with phthalate levels in their handwipes 北京の子どもの尿サンプル中のフタル酸代謝物とハンドワイプのフタル酸濃度との相関
P. Lajoie, D. Aubin, V. Gingras, P. Daigneault, F. Ducharme, D. Gauvin, D. Fugler, J.-M. Leclerc, D. Won, M. Courteau, S. Gingras, M.-È. Héroux, W. Yang and H. Schleibinger The IVAIRE project – a randomized controlled study of the impact of ventilation on indoor air quality and the respiratory symptoms of asthmatic children in single family homes IVAIRE プロジェクト- 単一家族住宅の室内空気質及び喘息の子どもの呼吸器症状への換気の影響に関するランダム化比較研究
L. Du, S. Batterman, C. Godwin, Z. Rowe and J.-Y. Chin Air exchange rates and migration of VOCs in basements and residences 地階と住居における換気率とVOCの移行
K. Van Ryswyk, L. Wallace, D. Fugler, M. MacNeill, M. È. Héroux, M. D. Gibson, J. R. Guernsey, W. Kindzierski and A. J. Wheeler Estimation of bias with the single-zone assumption in measurement of residential air exchange using the perfluorocarbon tracer gas method パーフルオロカーボントレーサーガス法を用いた住宅の換気測定における単一ゾーン仮定に基づく推定
SK. A. Angelon-Gaetz, D. B. Richardson, D. M. Lipton, S. W. Marshall, B. Lamb and T. LoFrese The effects of building-related factors on classroom relative humidity among North Carolina schools participating in the ‘Free to Breathe, Free to Teach’ study ‘自由に息ができる、自由に教えられる’研究に参加しているノースカロライナ学校における教室の相対湿度への建築物関連因子の影響
D. Hospodsky, N. Yamamoto, W. W. Nazaroff, D. Miller, S. Gorthala and J. Peccia Estimating retrospective exposure of household humidifier disinfectants 家庭用加湿器殺菌剤の既往曝露の推定
J. S. Park, N.-Y. Jee and J.-W. Jeong Characterizing airborne fungal and bacterial concentrations and emission rates in six occupied children's classrooms 使用中の児童の教室6部屋における空中浮遊真菌及び細菌濃度と放散速度の特徴
S. Saari, J. Mensah-Attipoe, T. Reponen, A. M. Veijalainen, A. Salmela, P. Pasanen and J. Keskinen Effects of fungal species, cultivation time, growth substrate, and air exposure velocity on the fluorescence properties of airborne fungal spores 浮遊真菌胞子の蛍光特性に対するカビの種類、培養時間、成長、生息環境、空気曝露速度の影響
D. Licina, A. Melikov, J. Pantelic, C. Sekhar and K. W. Tham Human convection flow in spaces with and without ventilation: personal exposure to floor-released particles and cough-released droplets 換気の有り無しの空間での人の対流:床放出粒子と咳放出飛沫の個人曝露
J. Pantelic, K. W. Tham and D. Licina Effectiveness of a personalized ventilation system in reducing personal exposure against directly released simulated cough droplets 直接放出された模擬咳飛沫に対して個人曝露を減らす個人換気システムの効果
M-F. King, C. J. Noakes and P. A. Sleigh Modeling environmental contamination in hospital single- and four-bed rooms 病院の1床及び4床の部屋における環境汚染のモデリング
October 2015 vol.25 Issue 5 Pages i-ii, 457-568
Page Author English Title 日本語題名
Sheryl Magzamen, Adam P Mayer, Joshua W Schaeffer and Stephen J Reynolds Advancing a multidisciplinary research framework on school environment, occupant health, and performance 学校環境、使用者の健康、パフォーマンスに関する学際的な研究の枠組みの進捗
Review Article
C. Beggs, L. D. Knibbs, G. R. Johnson and L. Morawska Environmental contamination and hospital-acquired infection: factors that are easily overlooked 環境汚染と院内感染: 見落としやすい要因
Original Articles
C.-C. Tseng, P.-K. Hsiao, K.-C. Chang, C.-C. Cheng, L.-M. Yiin and C.-J. Hsieh Detection of viable antibiotic-resistant/sensitive Acinetobacter baumannii in indoor air by propidium monoazide quantitative polymerase chain reaction プロピジウムモノアジド定量的ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応による室内空気中生存抗生物質耐性/感受性アシネトバクター・バウマニーの検出
C.-W. Chang and L.-J. Wang Impact of culture media and sampling methods on Staphylococcus aureus aerosols 黄色ブドウ球菌エアロゾルに対する培地とサンプリング方法の影響
K. Azuma, K. Ikeda, N. Kagi, U. Yanagi and H. Osawa Prevalence and risk factors associated with nonspecific building-related symptoms in office employees in Japan: relationships between work environment, Indoor Air Quality, and occupational stress 日本のオフィス職員の有病率と非特異的建築物関連症状に関連するリスクファクター:労働環境、室内空気質、職業性ストレスの関係
M. O. Fadeyi, K. W. Tham and W. Y. Wu Impact of asthma, exposure period, and filters on human responses during exposures to ozone and its initiated chemistry products オゾンとその化学生成物への曝露中の人の反応に対する喘息、曝露期間及びフィルターの影響
E. L. Hult, H. Willem, P. N. Price, T. Hotchi, M. L. Russell and B. C. Singer Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde exposure mitigation in US residences: in-home measurements of ventilation control and source control US住宅におけるホルムアルデヒドとアセトアルデヒド曝露の軽減:換気制御と発生源制御の在宅測定
L. A. Wallace, W. R. Ott and C. J. Weschler Ultrafine particles from electric appliances and cooking pans: experiments suggesting desorption/nucleation of sorbed organics as the primary source 電化製品と調理なべからの超微粒子:実験により吸着した有機物の脱着と核生成が主要な発生源と示唆された
O. A. Abafe and B. S. Martincigh Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in indoor dust in Durban, South Africa 南アフリカ共和国ダーバンの室内ダスト中ポリ臭素化ジフェニルエーテルとポリ塩化ビフェニル
M. Oliveira, K. Slezakova, C. Delerue-Matos, M. C. Pereira and S. Morais Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: levels and phase distributions in preschool microenvironment 多環芳香炭化水素:保育園微環境における濃度と相分布
August 2015 vol.25 Issue 4 Pages i-ii, 357-456
Page Author English Title 日本語題名
W. W. Nazaroff and A. H. Goldstein Indoor chemistry: research opportunities and challenges 室内化学:研究のチャンスとチャレンジ
Original Articles
R. Maddalena, M. J. Mendell, K. Eliseeva, W. R. Chan, D. P. Sullivan, M. Russell, U. Satish and W. J. Fisk Effects of ventilation rate per person and per floor area on perceived air quality, sick building syndrome symptoms, and decision-making 人当たりと床面積当たりの換気率の知覚空気質、シックビルディング症状、意思決定への影響
C. Kielb, S. Lin, N. Muscatiello, W. Hord, J. Rogers-Harrington and J. Healy Building-related health symptoms and classroom indoor air quality: a survey of school teachers in New York State 建築物関連健康症状と教室室内空気質:ニューヨーク州の学校教員の調査
W. R. Chan, S. Cohn, M. Sidheswaran, D. P. Sullivan and W. J. Fisk Contaminant levels, source strengths, and ventilation rates in California retail stores カリフォルニアの小売店における汚染レベル、発生源強度、換気回数
C. Rauert, S. Harrad, M. Stranger and B. Lazarov Test chamber investigation of the volatilization from source materials of brominated flame retardants and their subsequent deposition to indoor dust 臭素系難燃剤の発生源材料からの揮発とその後の室内ダストへの沈着に関する試験チャンバー調査
G. Morrison, N. V. Shakila and K. Parker Accumulation of gas-phase methamphetamine on clothing, toy fabrics, and skin oil 気相メタンフェタミンの服、玩具の布、皮脂への蓄積
T. Zhang, H. Zhou and S. Wang Inverse identification of the release location, temporal rates, and sensor alarming time of an airborne pollutant source 空中浮遊物質発生源の放出場所、時間的割合、センサーアラーム時間の逆同定
P. Khare and L. C. Marr Simulation of vertical concentration gradient of influenza viruses in dust resuspended by walking 歩行により再飛散するダスト中インフルエンザウィルスの垂直濃度勾配のシミュレーション
B. E. Boor, M. P. Spilak, R. L. Corsi and A. Novoselac Characterizing particle resuspension from mattresses: chamber study マットレスからの粒子の再飛散の特徴付け:チャンバー研究
June 2015 vol.25 Issue 3 Pages i-ii, 231-356
Page Author English Title 日本語題名
Richard L Corsi Connect or stagnate: the future of indoor air sciences つながるのか、停滞するのか:室内空気科学の未来
Original Articles
I. Bakolis, J. Heinrich, J. P. Zock, D. Norbäck, C. Svanes, C. M. Chen, S. Accordini, G. Verlato, M. Olivieri and D. Jarvis House dust-mite allergen exposure is associated with serum specific IgE but not with respiratory outcomes ハウスダストダニアレルゲン曝露は血清特異的IgEと関連するが呼吸器アウトカムとは関連しない
G. Holst, A. Høst, G. Doekes, H. W. Meyer, A. M. Madsen and T. Sigsgaard Determinants of house dust, endotoxin, and β-(1→3)-D-glucan in homes of Danish children デンマークの子どもの家のハウスダスト、エンドトキシン、β-(1→3)-D-グルカンの決定因子
H. K. Leppänen, M. Täubel, M. Roponen, A. Vepsäläinen, P. Rantakokko, J. Pekkanen, A. Nevalainen, E. von Mutius and A. Hyvärinen Determinants, reproducibility, and seasonal variation of bacterial cell wall components and viable counts in house dust 細菌細胞壁成分の決定因子、再現性、季節変動及びハウスダスト中の生菌数
J. Mensah-Attipoe, T. Reponen, A. Salmela, A.-M. Veijalainen and P. Pasanen Susceptibility of green and conventional building materials to microbial growth グリーン建材と従来の建材の微生物成長に対する影響の受けやすさ
C. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. L. Benning and J. C. Little The effect of ventilation on indoor exposure to semivolatile organic compounds 準揮発性有機化合物への室内曝露への換気の影響
F. Kalmár Innovative method and equipment for personalized ventilation 個人用換気のための革新的な方法と装置
G. Cao, P. V. Nielsen, R. L. Jensen, P. Heiselberg, L. Liu and J. Heikkinen Protected zone ventilation and reduced personal exposure to airborne cross-infection 保護ゾーン換気と空気交差感染への個人曝露低減
B. Han, Z. Bai, Y. Liu, Y. You, J. Xu, J. Zhou, J. Zhang, C. Niu, N. Zhang, F. He and X. Ding Characterizations, relationship, and potential sources of outdoor and indoor particulate matter bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a community of Tianjin, Northern China 中国北部天津における屋外及び室内の多環芳香族炭化水素(PAH)が結合した粒子状物質の特徴付け、関係及び潜在発生源
J. M. Christensen and M. Ryhl-Svendsen Household air pollution from wood burning in two reconstructed houses from the Danish Viking Age 再築したオランダのヴァイキング時代からの家2件における木材燃焼による家庭空気汚染
S. Agrawal and S. Yamamoto Effect of Indoor air pollution from biomass and solid fuel combustion on symptoms of preeclampsia/eclampsia in Indian women インド人女性の子癇前症/子癇の症状へのバイオマスと固体燃料燃焼による室内空気汚染の影響
Letters to the Editor
R. Rylander Pre-eclampsia, solid-fuel cooking, and magnesium 子癇前症、固形燃料料理、及びマグネシウム
S. Agrawal and S. Yamamoto Author's reply 著者回答
Corrigendum 誤植
April 2015 vol.25 Issue 2 Pages i-ii, 119–229
Page Author English Title 日本語題名
Julian W Tang Investigating the airborne transmission pathway – different approaches with the same objectives 空気感染経路の調査-同じ対象の異なるアプローチ
Invited Review
A. Nevalainen, M. Täubel and A. Hyvärinen Indoor fungi: companions and contaminants 室内菌類: 共生と汚染物質
Original Articles
N. Muscatiello, A. McCarthy, C. Kielb, W.-H. Hsu, S.-A. Hwang and S. Lin Classroom conditions and CO2 concentrations and teacher health symptom reporting in 10 New York State Schools 10のニューヨーク州学校における教室の状態とCO2濃度と教師の健康症状報告
A. Fischer, E. Ljungström, L. Hägerhed Engman and S. Langer Ventilation strategies and indoor particulate matter in a classroom 教室の換気方策と室内粒子状物質
J. Yang, S. C. Sekhar, K. W. D. Cheong and B. Raphael Performance evaluation of a novel personalized ventilation–personalized exhaust system for airborne infection control 新規な個人用換気、個人用排気システムの空気感染制御の性能評価
C. Xu, P. V. Nielsen, G. Gong, L. Liu and R. L. Jensen Measuring the exhaled breath of a manikin and human subjects マネキンと人被験者の呼気の測定
C. Xu, P. V. Nielsen, G. Gong, R. L. Jensen and L. Liu Influence of air stability and metabolic rate on exhaled flow 空気の安定性と代謝率の呼気流への影響
S. E. Frey, H. Destaillats, S. Cohn, S. Ahrentzen and M. P. Fraser The effects of an energy efficiency retrofit on indoor air quality エネルギー効率レトロフィット(改装・改造)の室内空気質への影響
D. H. Bennett, R. E. Moran, X. (May) Wu, N. S. Tulve, M. S. Clifton, M. Colón, W. Weathers, A. Sjödin, R. Jones and I. Hertz-Picciotto Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations and resulting exposure in homes in California: relationships among passive air, surface wipe and dust concentrations, and temporal variability カリフォルニアの住宅におけるポリ臭素化ジフェニルエーテル(PBDE)濃度とその曝露:空気、表面拭取り、ダスト濃度、時間変動の関係
February 2015 vol.25 Issue 1 Pages i-ii, 1–117
Page Author English Title 日本語題名
Brent Stephens, Rachel I Adams, Seema Bhangar, Kyle Bibby and Michael S Waring From commensalism to mutualism: integrating the microbial ecology, building science, and indoor air communities to advance research on the indoor microbiome 片利共生から相利共生へ:微生物生態学、建築科学、室内微生物叢の研究を発展させる室内空気コミュニティーの統合
Original Articles
V. Fuentes-Leonarte, M. Estarlich, F. Ballester, M. Murcia, A. Esplugues, J. J. Aurrekoetxea, M. Basterrechea, A. Fernández-Somoano, E. Morales, M. Gascón, A. Tardón and M. Rebagliato Pre- and postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke and respiratory outcomes during the first year 出産前後のたばこ煙への曝露と一歳の間の呼吸器のアウトカム
R. E. Arku, G. Adamkiewicz, J. Vallarino, J. D. Spengler and D. E. Levy Seasonal variability in environmental tobacco smoke exposure in public housing developments 公営団地での環境たばこ煙曝露の季節変動
D. Licina, A. Melikov, C. Sekhar and K. W. Tham Human convective boundary layer and its interaction with room ventilation flow 人の対流境界層とその室内換気流との相互作用
R. B. Gore, R. J. Boyle, C. Gore, A. Custovic, H. Hanna, P. Svensson and J. O. Warner Effect of a novel temperature-controlled laminar airflow device on personal breathing zone aeroallergen exposure 新規な温度制御層流装置の個人呼吸域空気アレルゲン曝露への効果
M. M. Lunden, W. W. Delp and B. C. Singer Capture efficiency of cooking-related fine and ultrafine particles by residential exhaust hoods 住宅の排気フードによる料理関係の微粒子及び超微粒子の捕捉効率
R. Nagorka, C. Gleue, C. Scheller, H.-J. Moriske and W. Straff Isothiazolone emissions from building products 建築物からのイソチアゾロンの放散
P. Wargocki and N. A. F. Da Silv Use of visual CO2 feedback as a retrofit solution for improving classroom air quality 教室の空気質の改善のためのレトロフィット(改装・改造)ソリューションとしての視覚的CO2フィードバックの使用
C. Chen, C.-H. Lin, Z. Long and Q. Chen Predicting transient particle transport in enclosed environments with the combined computational fluid dynamics and Markov chain method 計算流体力学とマルコフ連鎖解析を用いた閉鎖環境における短期的な粒子輸送の予測
C. Heschl, K. Inthavong, W. Sanz and J. Tu Nonlinear eddy viscosity modeling and experimental study of jet spreading rates ジェット拡散速度の非線形渦粘性モデリングと実験的研究
J. David Miller Re: Choi et al. Indoor Air 24:158, Indoor Air 24:221
H. Choi, P. Thorne and C.-G. Bornehag Response to Miller ミラーへの回答